The Voice Kids The Testimonials Baby Phenomena Score 10 Ripped

The Voice Kids, The Testimonials: Baby Phenomena (Score 10), Ripped Rapper Clementino (Score 4)

Gigi D’Alessio Maga Maghella (but the trainers are careful): Voice 6

To be honest, it’s hard to give The Voice Kids bad grades. Including jury. All trainers seem to have become children again thanks to the (according to the editors?) always spontaneous and lively handling of the little goldbirds in competition. Gigi D’Alessio remains lovely, but this time his now proverbial pandering doesn’t bother much. The Neapolitan singer-songwriter, on the other hand, suffers from the total distrust of his peers: he reveals that he has a great passion for cooking, but nobody tries to get him a home-cooked dinner. Shortly thereafter, he poses as a flight pilot and is immediately declared a stampede at his invitation. The always succinct Bertè claims that the artist’s patent is false, while the rich and the poor are vague: “We already have our work that makes us fly, thanks for the thought!”. As usual, Gigi uses the magic flute to ensnare the very young competitors. To 14-year-old Ilary, fresh off a stunning performance of Whitney Houston’s I Will Always Love You, he says: “I’m sure, sure, that music will be your path. You won’t last long as a singer. If you get it right, you’ll go on for 50 years. It’s an honor for the sheet music to be sung by your incredible voice.” We weren’t ready with D’Alessio Maga Maghella. But we might have gotten it…

Loredana Bertè, Maleficent Witch (since elementary school): Grade 9

Despite the great party atmosphere, Loredana Bertè has not laid down her claws. When she’s all butter with the little competitors, she’s always deliciously starved against her peers on the jury. He won’t let anyone through and most importantly, he abuses the “Block” button when he’s craving a golden throat. Gigi D’Alessio, the most bullied of this episode, gets the money’s worth. They also manage to cheat almost all young talent singing neomelodic. To return to Bertè, aware of his own perfidy, he even brags about it: “Call me Maleficent”, he repeats in bursts. He doesn’t care that much. And that’s why we love them too. The undisputed star, at least as far as The Voice Senior is concerned, she also has a chance to reveal her first time as a singer: in elementary school, she ended up in the principal’s office (what a surprise!). However, it was a wonderful opportunity for her. In fact, he noticed that there was a microphone on the desk. Little Loredana immediately began to sing and improvise something. So he won the daily task of wishing the whole school a good morning live from the presidential headquarters. In short, Bertè was giving concerts before he even reached middle school. It is really true that we were born there.

Clementino, torn freestyle of a twelve-year-old: voice 4

Clementino’s shortcomings are now given out of sympathy. Among the Kids talents, the rapper turned out to be even more comfortable. Maybe because they know him at least in contrast to the seniors. And they sometimes even choose it as their first option. For example, 12-year-old Zinedine came onto this stage and took aim at him. His older brother of Tunisian origin is already his manager. After appearing in Ghali’s Cara Italia, he took home four yes votes and the compliments of the entire jury for continuing the performance by recovering the microphone that slipped from his hands during construction. “When I sing to the beat, I let off steam and dream of a world that you can’t even imagine,” says the little rapper. Little rapper who, invited by Clementino to a freestyle challenge, literally slices him up on stage. It is the coach himself who admits it: “It surprised me, rhymes came out of him that left me speechless!”. Except diss. Later, the juror will round out his media humiliation by revealing: “As a kid, I was sent back to the Zecchino d’Oro too”. A life of suffering.

Antonella Clerici, Cheerleading Host: Voice 8

She had already shown great empathy on The Voice Senior, but at the helm of the Kids version, Antonella Clerici gains even more room to become the perfect playmate (and first fan) of any little, very talented, golden throat. We’ve seen her reveal the mysteries of the Rubik’s Cube (although she didn’t understand them – and neither did we), became an assistant to a magician who wanted to perform an illusionistic act after the singing performance, cheering everyone, side of the stage, along with family members and looking like one of them. Certainly not aggressive in the slightest. The presenter, who graduated in law with 110 cum laude as a talented “biographer” in the episode, is the perfect mother hen, also thanks to the years of experience at the helm of Ti Lascio Una Canzone. Compared to this format, however, The Voice Kids is decidedly more lively: children are “allowed” to be children, with all the quicksilver they have and who certainly don’t need author nudges to show up. Clerici doesn’t miss a beat and on the stage of this talent show she also finds the bright and playful clothes that have always accompanied her in prime time. Cheerleader.

Poor and rich torn apart by the tornado “ItaloBartolomeo”: Voice 5

They hadn’t shone with stage presence on The Voice Senior. And here they shine like a black hole of sleepiness in the kids’ version of the talent show. Nothing interesting, let alone memorable, ever comes out of the interventions of the Ricchi e Poveri. They wearily replicate the same “trawl” strategy criminally committed on the previous show. Is there life in the double seat? This is a question that is still difficult to answer. Angela Brambati recalls starting to sing “in the bathroom” as a child because she liked the echo of her voice there. What a shovel. The only merit of the Clerici couple of angels is to have performed the phenomenal ItaloBartolomeo for a second time (“All written in the appendix, eh?): 11 years old, the mother says that the little one had already begun to speak six months after birth. He writes Poems (currently there are 152, he says), he squirms on stage, as soon as he enters the stage he leads Antonella Clerici says she’s sure we’ll see him again in a few years at the helm of the Sanremo Festival And there’s no doubt about that. Shockingly, none of the judges turned heads over this baby phenomenon, and this gives the rich and the poor a chance to remember they’re in the game, so they offer him an impromptu jam session with the notes of It will be because I love you an ItaloBartolomeo does not know a single word of the song, but he eats up the stage and the two angels and steals the show from everyone present Final not to be seen again next Saturday. But there will be other opportunities, that’s for sure.

Baby Phenomena, let’s hope they don’t get overwhelmed by other talents: Voice 10

If The Voice Senior had already achieved exceptional performance from the point of view of the competitors’ intonation, the kids’ version does not fall off, but at least doubles. The little golden cones, who can be seen alternately on the stage of the talent show, are all between seven and fourteen years old and amaze with their vocal power as well as their stage presence and charisma. To be honest, a slightly less talented person did show up, but the bar was always very high on average. We renew our congratulations to the casting office. It starts with Mia, the youngest of the crew, who breaks the ice with Ciao Ciao from La Parlate di Lista and even sings and dances. His duet with Bertè on the sheet music of “Figlia di…” is beautiful, although obviously prepared and rehearsed beforehand. At the end of the performance, someone points out: “Mia and Loredana are singing together again”. And it’s an emotion. Then comes Ranya and intones a perfect Adele, as powerful as the original but more personal. Thirteen-year-old Vincenzo, on the other hand, loves magic as much as music. Though he admits, “I’m passionate about ‘older’ genres and it’s hard for me to live in a world where all my peers only listen to rap and trap.” He takes Little Tony on stage and gets four Yes. Special mention also to Rosario, 9 years old, enthusiastic fan of Neomelodici and his quiff: “I need at least fifteen minutes to fix it properly”. His favorite hobby is doing his homework and he is not afraid of public appearances. “The more people there are, the louder I sing,” he says proudly. We will also see him again in the final next Saturday. There would be many others to mention, but we’ll limit ourselves to one wish: we hope (in vain?) that all the vibrancy of their very young talent won’t be swallowed up by another popular 18+ talent when they come of age. these are the “puppies”, the barking that we are now used to hearing in the talent shows of the “big ones” cannot be explained. Except autotune!

The Voice Kids, what a hurry: 4.5 points

The first (and penultimate) episode of The Voice Kids aired on Rai 1 the day after the finale of the senior version of the talent show. And the question that arises is: what was the rush? It’s a little odd, needlessly denying it, to see that the same jury that was giving votes to rampant retirees literally until yesterday is now looking at the possible (great) grandchildren of the same competitors. In addition, this format tastes more like a party than a competition for young gold-throated people and it is almost a shame to know that it will be broken up in just two evenings. A single appointment at the blind auditions and the final is coming up within seven dry days. Of course, taking sides against C’è Posta per Te’s battleship Mediaset is a kamikaze endeavor, and perhaps given the competition, it wasn’t worth ‘burning’ a format too hard on the trump card in the uncertainty of ratings . If this Flash edition was just a test to test the show’s potential, we think we can pass it with flying colors. Though he will inevitably pay the price for a killer placement, both for queuing with his dual talent and for counter-programming the Biscione flagship. In the excellent recipe that gave birth to the program, timing is the only ingredient to improve on…