The war between Ukraine and Russia, today’s news. “Two drones shot down en route to Moscow”. New US arms shipments to Kyiv later this week

  • The war between Ukraine and Russia, today’s news. “Two drones shot down en route to Moscow”. New shipments of US arms to Kiev la Repubblica were made during the week
  • Russia: Two drones en route to Moscow shot down ANSA agency
  • Ukrainian war breaking news. Moscow: “Two drones shot down on the way to the capital, terrorist attack in Kiev foiled”
  • Russia accuses Kiev of shooting down two Ukrainian drones en route to Moscow | Guns for Putin, London imposes sanctions on companies from Turkey, Switzerland and the United Arab Emirates TGCOM
  • Ukraine breaking news. Two drones en route to Moscow were shot down. USA, new arms shipments to Kiev Il Sole 24 ORE
  • For full coverage, see Google News