The war in Ukraine opens the doors to the Eastmed

The war in Ukraine opens the doors to the Eastmed gas pipeline again: now the USA can also give the green light for the pipeline between Israel and Italy

After the lockdown a few weeks ago, the United States of America You may turn back soon Eastmed pipeline and say yes to the very long pipeline Israel to Melendugno: the infrastructure off 1,300 kilometers Today it would serve as air on the EuroMediterranean side to diversify Europe’s energy supply and limit dependency Russiaonly partially offset by the tap.

He was US Undersecretary for Foreign Affairs at the Department of Energy, Andrew lightmaybe too quick to admit that Washington had downgraded the pipeline to nonpriority infrastructure publicly saying that “after the recent developments we will see everything with a new aspect”. A month ago there was a resounding “no” from the White House because the US exports a lot liquefied natural gas (gnl) directly in Greece, on the deposit island Revithoussa, and soon also in the brand new warehouse of Alexandroupolis. Even the State Department had claimed in an official paper that it favors electrical connections that can support both gas and renewable energy sources, fueling the vulgate about shortsighted government decisions on the energy issue biden.

But after the war events affecting the supply of affected countries, such as Israel, Cyprus, Greece, Italy, it is clear to everyone that the game of European needs cannot be solved with more American LNGs alone. While it is more expedient to approve a new gas pipeline for the Eastern Mediterranean after the TAP.

The signatures for the pipeline project date back to 2016, when Mediterranean countries sensed that TAP’s volumes would only partially help make the Old Continent more autonomous from Russian supplies. By 2021 there have been some advances, such as the technical studies carried out by the manufacturer Poseidon (with a participation of 50% of the Greeks DEPAin turn involved by snamand the Italian Edison) or as creation of the emgf forumkind of gas operation in which all interested countries participate diplomatically, i.e. Italy, Egypt, JordanIsrael, Cyprus, Greece e Palestinian National Authority. Absent Lebanon and Turkey due to the wellknown tensions with Israel, Greece and Cyprus. The last member to join was the Francewhile among the observers figure United States of America, European Union and World Bank.

The project, worth 6 billion euroshad initially been rejected by Turkey, which regarded him as a hostile act as the smear talk with Cyprus and Greece for exploitation continues exclusive economic zone in the waters claimed by Ankara. But that is also quite clear given a worldwide recalibration of alliances and deliveries Recep Tayyip Erdogan it is directed towards a less uncompromising attitude towards other partners, both internal and external Born.

According to the promoters’ intentions, the Eastmed gas pipeline was to be recondensed in addition to exploiting the abundant fields off the coasts of Israel and Egypt Mediterranean passengers on gas, while at the same time ensuring the supply and security of the entire macroregion. On this point, we take note of the letter that the VicePresident of the European Parliament, Pina Picierno of the Democratic Party to which sent Draghi government along with other members of the Dem to ask Chigi to reconsider the relevant pipeline.

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