The war will not end until the enemy is eliminated

The war will not end until the enemy is eliminated, says Netanyahu The Antagonist

Without mentioning a possible land invasion of the Gaza Strip, Benjamin Netanyahu (photo) declared in a statement this Monday (9) that “the fight will take time” and promised that it will only end with the elimination of the enemy, the terrorist group Hamas.

Last Saturday (7), Hamas carried out a surprise terrorist attack on Israeli territory, killing at least 600 people. The action was planned in cooperation with Iran, although the Iranian government officially denies this.

“We always knew who Hamas was, now the whole world knows. Hamas is the Islamic State. And we will defeat it just as the enlightened world defeated the Islamic State. “This vile enemy wanted war and will wage war,” said Netanyahu, who was criticized by Israeli intelligence for predicting and preventing the attacks.

“There is a lot of defamation and misinformation about the operation and the situation in Israel. We must not fall for these lies and propaganda and side with the authorities. I know it will take time, but I promise that this fight will not end until we eliminate our enemy,” the Prime Minister added.

Netanyahu also said there were still armed Palestinian militants on Israeli territory and claimed to be in contact with Joe Biden. He thanked the US President for his military support.

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The war won’t end until the enemy is eliminated, he says @netanyahu.

— The Antagonist (@o_antagonista) October 9, 2023