The Weirdest Things Airport Agents Found in Passengers Bags The

The Weirdest Things Airport Agents Found in Passengers’ Bags The Best Travel Destinations

Did you know that when traveling to the United States, American airport security officers can check the contents of your suitcase without your permission? That’s the way it is! And I’m telling you: you find everything strange (and forbidden) that you only have to say it to believe it.

If they suspect there is something unusual in the suitcase, TSA (Transport Security Administration) agents will open travelers’ checked bags to verify what is inside. And in their daytoday work, they’ve confiscated items and even animals, according to this article on the MSN website.

Curious about what US agents found strange in travelers’ pockets? Come on:

cats and dogs

Animals such as cats and dogs can travel with their owners in the cabin of the plane or in a special compartment, depending on the size of the animals and the airline (each has a rule). But that doesn’t always happen!

At LaGuardia Airport in New York, a TSA agent found a puppy in the luggage after the alarm went off. The owner says that the animal got into the suitcase alone, but who knows… Anyway, the dog was returned to the owner.

In 2018, according to the MSN article, it was agents’ turn to find a cat in the checked bag. However, this time the owner lost custody of the animal, which was taken to a local humanitarian center.


fake bomb

I think everyone knows you can’t travel armed, right? Imagine the agents’ shock when they saw a bomblike object in the suitcase.

The artifact looked so real that 6 runways at Newark International Airport in New Jersey had to be closed. According to the owner, he took the fake bomb to an explosive device detection training course in Florida.

Freddy Krueger’s hand

Does everyone know Freddy Krueger? The famous horror character carries sharp razors in one hand, and it was something similar to what agents found in a suitcase at the Atlanta airport. The glove was covered in metal and razors. What a danger!


animal droppings

Amazingly, wearing certain weird things that agents find isn’t forbidden. And this case shows a very strange situation. In 2019, TSA officers found something odd in a man’s luggage, and upon inspection they found a bag of moose droppings. The passenger stated that he would “deliver” to politicians he didn’t like. Since the item in question was not prohibited, it was allowed to travel normally. And let’s be honest: unlucky for those who sat next to him on the plane, I didn’t want to be on that flight.

Toilet paper holder… in the shape of a revolver

Carrying replica guns in your luggage can be a big problem, but the passenger here bought the item for a different purpose: it was actually a stylized toilet paper holder. The TSA agents didn’t know, of course, and they must have guessed from the Xray that it was a real weapon. But nothing was more than a shock.

Samurai Sword

Believe it or not, a passenger attempted to board the plane with a samurai sword. One no, three! Of course he didn’t succeed, but what drives someone to do it? I, uh!

See also: Never transport in hand luggage! Which prohibited items are most often confiscated at airport xrays?

eels, fish and seahorses

In the list of animals found in holdalls, we now come to a case that caught the eye of TSA agents: A passenger checked a suitcase containing 163 fish and 22 invertebrates. Apparently they were confiscated.

In another case, the TSA found a bottle of liquor in a carryon with five already dead endangered seahorses. An absurdity!


Can you imagine the agents fear when they open the suitcase and face a line? This happened at Newark Airport. Someone reportedly abandoned the animal and agents called police to take it away.

Have you ever had an item confiscated from your luggage? Share your experience with us!