The writer Francois Blais is no more

The writer François Blais is no more –

Quebec novelist François Blais has died, publisher L’instant meme announced on Sunday.

The author decided to end his life. He was 49 years old.

In shock, the publisher paid tribute to the writer in an announcement on social networks.

“Words fail us to express our dismay at his decision, we who have had the immense privilege of knowing François since the publication of his first novel in 2006. To a certain extent we have the impression of having grown up with him, invited to share his cynical and tender universe,” the editor wrote on his Facebook page.

“The world of letters in Quebec is richer, more vibrant and beautiful because François has dared to shake some of its foundations,” he added.

  • Listen to Editor Geneviève Pigeon’s interview at Geneviève Pettersen’s mic on QUB radio:

The testimonies were numerous on social networks.

“François Blais had a superpower, he knew how to make fun of his desperation,” Marylise Hamelin said in a tweet paying tribute to her favorite author.

“Each of their new releases was then experienced as real little events,” Librairie Pantoute wrote on its Facebook page.

A talented writer with an intelligent sense of humor, François Blais has shaped the literary universe of many Quebecers and left a legacy rich in words and stories.

Originally from Grand-Mère in the Mauricie region, the author made a name for himself with the publication of his first novel, Iphigénie en Haute-Ville, in 2006. Since then he has published around fifteen books, including four for children, and has been a finalist for a number of awards including the Prix des libraires du Québec.