The year that spoke to both sides of the mouth

The year that spoke to both sides of the mouth – Le Journal de Montréal

Do you think 2023 has been confusing? Did you have difficulty understanding certain facts? Do you feel like people on the news were saying one thing and the opposite? That her lips went one way and her boots went the other?

To help you understand this year of noise and anger, here is a list that will help you see things more clearly.

Or not.

1) Men and women no longer exist. Everything is fluid, non-binary, blurred.

On the other hand, if a man transforms into a woman, you must call him “Madam” and allow him to participate in women's sports competitions. And when a woman becomes a man, you must call him “sir” and allow him to participate in men's sports competitions.

So the genders still exist? Yes, but only for trans people.

You do not understand? Me neither.

2) Religious extremists who dug tunnels for months to kill children in front of their parents, massacred young people at a music festival, kidnapped babies and old women, shot unarmed men like rabbits, raped women and then beheaded them, and hiding Hostages in hospitals and schools are brave freedom fighters.

The soldiers bombing those who committed these abuses are barbarians and war criminals.

You do not understand? Me neither.

3) At the end of October, during a demonstration for Palestine attended by hundreds of people, Imam Adil Charkaoui said: “O God, take care of the aggressor Zionists.” Take responsibility for the enemies of Gaza. Count them one by one and kill them in the long run and exclude none of them.”

More than two months later, no charges of inciting hatred were brought against him. Even if this speech was recorded by cameras!

Meanwhile, professors and journalists are losing their jobs just because they said the title of a book by Pierre Vallières.

You do not understand? Me neither.

4) Québec Solidaire defends the rights of workers, fights unbridled capitalism and condemns evil multinational corporations that ignore the law.

The same party buys advertising on Facebook, a hyper-capitalist multinational corporation that flouts the law and threatens the livelihoods of thousands of journalists.

You do not understand? Me neither.

5) Catherine Dorion is releasing a book in which she says all the bad things she thinks about the media.

And to promote her book, she makes the rounds in the media.

You do not understand? Me neither.

6) François Legault reiterates that there is a risk of Louisiananization if Quebec accepts too many immigrants.

Canada opens the immigration floodgates and François Legault does nothing.

You do not understand? Me neither.

7) The Plante administration affirms that the Office de Consultation Publique de Montréal is an essential organization for democratic life, as it allows the city to take into account the opinions of citizens before embarking on important projects.

Citizens tell the public consultation office that they don't want the City of Montreal to close the Camillien-Houde road to motorists, but the city decides to ignore their opinions and move forward with closing the Camillien-Houde stretch to motorists.

You do not understand? Me neither.

8) The Wokes say there is nothing worse than sexism and racism.

However, the Wokes want certain jobs for white men to be banned.

You do not understand? Me neither.

9) Quebecers want nothing to do with sovereignty.

But Quebecers want to elect a sovereign party.

You do not understand? Me neither.

10) The striking FTQ believes that the government should treat civil servants better instead of spending their money arbitrarily.

In the middle of negotiations with the government, the president of the FTQ, accompanied by around ten of her union colleagues, travels to the United Arab Emirates, one of the largest oil producers in the world, to talk about the environment – and all thanks to the contributions of its members Labor union.

You do not understand? Me neither.

11) Being a drag queen is not a sexual orientation.

Anyone who criticizes drag queens is homophobic.

A child dresses up as a Japanese warrior for Halloween? Cultural appropriation!

A man dresses up as a woman to make a living? VERY COOL!

You do not understand? Me neither.

12) Western feminists organize campaigns to denounce violence against women.

When Israeli women are attacked, raped and massacred by Hamas Islamists, Western feminists remain silent under the pretext that “the situation is complicated.”

Feminists trust the word of all women who say they have been victims of assault – with the exception of Jewish women.

You do not understand? Me neither.

13) The Trudeau government says loud and clear that defending the French is important to Canada.

The governor general, certain Liberal ministers and the premier of New Brunswick – the country's only officially bilingual province – are unable to speak French. And English-speaking federal employees are systematically favored by Ottawa when it comes to promotions.

You do not understand? Me neither.

In short, you don't understand anything about 2023?

Don't be ashamed: many people didn't understand anything either.