There are car free cities in the world

There are car free cities in the world

Our time is characterized by a continuous fight against smog and pollution. When it comes to mobility, the need to reduce CO2 emissions from vehicles has been discussed for years.

And we know this well, because Europe has just passed a regulation, despite constant doubts, which most likely is will eliminate cars with internal combustion engines from 2035, in favor of the pure electric drive and without emissions. Many complain that the production of electric cars and the disposal of batteries pollute anyway, which is why the debate remains open. But that’s a whole different story.

The sad primacy of Italy

What we want to talk about today is a curious topic, a little “lighter”: Is life without a car really possible? Oh well; You may not know it, but there are already many cities around the world that are doing this. It’s clearly not an easy choice, we’re used to the comfort of having our own vehicle always ready for every need, but the goal seems achievable.

Obviously not everywhere and for anyone, especially in Italy considering that our country has one negative primacy: 62 cars per 100 inhabitants, also due to the inefficient and poorly developed public transport network and the lack of cycle paths. But let’s look at the places where people have been living without a car for a while.

Car-free cities in Europe

There are many countries where you are located stop using the car in favor of cycle paths, car sharing and public transport. Even in Italy we had seen a glimmer during the Covid and lockdown era when traffic was completely shut down and we thought about how to keep that peace forever. But it is certainly not an easy thing: today, life without a car in our country seems practically impossible.

But there is a small town in the Bel Paese where there are no cars; It is about chamois, in the Aosta Valley, at the foot of Monte Cervino, at 1,800 meters. Just remember that the inhabited center can only be reached by cable car, otherwise it is possible to take the mule track. But you live without any vehicle.

Also to Venice, due to its lagoon nature it is impossible to get around by car. It is perhaps the most famous city without cars.

Wengen, in German-speaking Switzerland, a destination of slow tourism, it is only accessible by Wengernalpbahn trains. Also to OsloAs we know, there are miles of bike lanes and the city has upgraded its public transport network to ensure car-free mobility, at least for residents.

Among the car-free cities in Europe there are Hydra, Greece: Cars were completely abolished and replaced by water taxis and donkeys. In fact, the administration prohibits the use of all motor vehicles, including mopeds, which tourists often rent to move around the islands of the archipelago.

TO Freiburg, in the Vauban district, cars are not used: it is crossed only by the tram that connects the suburb to the city center. Finally Giethoorn It’s a completely streetless city: you get around on foot or by boat, there are no cars.

Car-free cities in the rest of the world

mackinac island, in the USA (Michigan) it is one of the car-free cities. Located in the waters of Lake Huron, it was the residents themselves who gave up their cars. It is a kind of island where about 500 people live and where motor vehicles have been practically non-existent since 1898 to counter noise pollution. You move by bike, on foot or even in a horse-drawn carriage: it seems as if time is going back.

We conclude the article by quoting the village ExcellentArizona, which can only be reached by mule, fire islandwhere the coast can only be traveled on foot or by bike, La Mu (Kenya), cities where there are no roads, so people only get around on foot, and finally to the small mountain village of The Cumbrecitain Argentina – also without roads – the inhabitants move on foot.