There is a price to pay if we dont want

“There is a price to pay if we don’t want Putin at the gates”

Bruno Vespa

We will also be “pacifists,” according to a poll by Alessandra Ghisleri for Porta, a Porta that shows that the majority of Italians “would not want to send arms to Ukraine” even if “they fear the escalation of the conflict and a large part already feels at war”, but if we are not overwhelmed want through this war, he writes Bruno Vespa in his Il Giorno editorial, there is a price to pay.

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The German Chancellor scholz, notes the director of Porta a Porta, “he made a Copernican revolution in the twinkling of an eye and immediately brought it to 2%. We also got stuck at 1.57% and Draghi assured us that we will be close. about fifteen billion ” . Conte and Salvini they are against it, but here the Vespa thunders, “Must be understood. An old rule of international politics says that if you watch your back with guns, you can sit at the negotiating table with some odds of winning. When NATO ends In order to arm Ukraine, the Russian military occupation would take place within a few days”.

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Now the director asks himself: “Do we want that? Do we want to enforce the principle that a European country that is a candidate to join the Union can be handed over to an aggressor with neoimperial aims?. Perhaps one has to understand, explains Vespa, that if we give Putin today, “we give Ukraine tomorrow, he will take it”. Georgia and then the Moldova and all neighboring countries will be intimidated by the indifference of NATO and the West in general.

The Russian president is now in “difficulty” because he did not expect this blockade by NATO and the European Union after Crimea and Afghanistan, “while the rest of the world (including China) does not approve of his behavior”. So, concludes Vespa, “maybe it’s worth paying for a ticket so that the man who let us down so much understands must stop“.

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