1695086916 Theres pollution in the kitchen too and lots of it

There’s pollution in the kitchen too (and lots of it): keep the damage to a minimum with these tricks BioPianeta

Pollution is a problem that needs to be addressed comprehensively, and there are also things that you can produce in the kitchen without even knowing it.

Fight pollution It must be a priority for all citizens in all areas of their lives because global health is at stake. But if, for example, it is easy to recognize birthmarks transport The greater the sources of public and private pollution that you can address, the more difficult the pollution created by what you do every day.

Unfortunately, everyday activities can also have a negative impact on the environment. And one of the activities that perhaps pollutes the environment the most is precisely that of cooked. This space, with all its rituals and traditions, is one of the biggest problems you will ever have and that you must solve if you want to improve your environmental impact. And you can do it.

How to deal with pollution in the kitchen

When you try to enter the kitchen you will immediately notice the crowd domestic appliances and items that can generate waste of various types. Out of Refrigerator, traverse Oven and comes to dishwasher without forgetting that Stove, All the conditions are in place for a real black hole to be able to absorb uncontrollable resources.

But it doesn’t have to be that way. However, you may also want to choose devices that have a consumption of Performance to be reduced, you also need to address other possible sources of pollution. When you open your fridge or pantry and are greeted by hundreds Plastic packaging They contribute to another major source of pollution. In this case, you can intervene by consciously choosing containers made of other materials or, if the packaging is, for example, fruit or vegetable packaging, by choosing to purchase them loose fruits and vegetables and not in bags or packages.

how much it dirty the kitchenEven cooking is harmful to the environment? – biopianeta.it

Let’s go back to cooking, understood as an activity that involves the preparation of food, and try to recognize how much Time, and therefore how much energy, consumption for preparation. Some traditional recipes, such as those based on meat and cooked very slowly, come from a time in our history when the kitchen, understood as a hearth, was not only a place where food was prepared, but also one of the sources from Heating of the House. Now, if you decide to make a pot roast that cooks for hours, it could result in a huge gas bill.

It is better to opt for recipes that do not contain these types of recipes extremely long cooking or at least reduce the frequency. And another trick you can use to reduce your impact on the environment is to look for the combined cooking. Something you can do with the oven, for example, preparing a second course and a side dish or a first course and a second course at the same time. And don’t forget it the lighting: Replace halogen lamps with LEDs.