These 100 more Russian soldiers What is not included again

These 100 more Russian soldiers: What is not included again in the mission sought by Conte

The mystery deepens: as time passes, things become less clear, but it could be the complete opposite. The story we discussed yesterday in about the confidential emails between Russia and Italy of the then Prime Minister Conte, who revealed the planning of humanitarian aid in March 2020, in the middle of the Covid pandemic, has a question still unanswered: why most were Russians military And very few doctors? Shouldn’t it be an anti-Covid mission? What do soldiers have to do with it? In the list compiled by General Sergey Kikot, they were good 230 those in uniform who were supposed to “help fight a coronavirus infection” in March 2020, a hundred more than expected.

The strange Conte-Putin agreement

This was the agreement signed between Putin and Giuseppe Conte and then handed over to the Farnesina. Officially, however, parliamentary reports speak of 130 names: Who are the 100 Russians? redundancy? It is very strange that official documents of the government and our State Department do not have the exact number with all the roles and names. Mail and documents held by the Copasir (Parliamentary Committee for the Security of the Republic) show that the Russian military invaded everything from the hospital in Bergamo, the epicenter of the pandemic, to the RSA. But how were they identified given the “dismissals” from the official list? And what did only a few of the 130 registered doctors and many men in uniform do? The points dark there are still many, although two years and a month have passed. The past was brought back to life when a Moscow official accused our country of being ungrateful.

doubt and suspicion

What happened during that time still remains a mystery, but the Russian warning sounds sinister: what if it was a threat not to reveal certain secrets that Moscow intelligence intercepted? Who knows. Precisely for these and many other speeches, Corriere della Sera recalls, in the coming days Copasir will hear what the former Chief of Defense Staff Enzo Vecciarelli and General Luciano Portolano, former commander of the Coi (Comando Operational Joint Forces), were part of the first operational meeting with two representatives of the Technical-Scientific Committee, Agostino Miozzo and Fabio Ciciliano. The two make it impede that the Russian military can freely enter public offices. The text of the agreement spoke of “disinfestation of buildings and inhabited centers in infected areas” instead of simple sanitation. But someone had given him the green light, so the whole political consensus is to ask Conte to be heard by Copasir and tell everything he knows.

Over three million for the Russians

Because there were all these air flights to and from Russia for over three weeks, from March 22 to April 15, 2020, with officially “medical personnel, protective equipment, medical equipment and means to fight the coronavirus”, when in reality it was only over 500,000 Masks were delivered, “30 lung ventilators, a thousand protective suits, two swab test devices, 10,000 quick swabs and 100,000 normal swabs”? This material does not require airlifts at a cost of three million Euros just for fuel, plus accommodation and food costs around 130 (actually 230). The reports available to the civil defense speak of “a doctor, two nurses and an interpreter who will work 24 hours a day in eight-hour shifts” that will alternate in the Bergamo structures. Well, the numbers show once again why these high numbers, especially the military ones. Why has the government approved so many? Questions that will hopefully soon find concrete answers.