These lenses slow down myopia Yahoo Sports

These lenses slow down myopia – Yahoo Sports

Wearing them for 12 hours a day by children would slow the progression of this vision problem by 60% compared to traditional glasses.

This article is from the monthly journal Sciences et Avenir – La Recherche n° 916, June 2023.

A study in the journal Scientific Reports recently provided further proof of the effectiveness of so-called brake glasses for slowing down the development of myopia (see p. and A. No. 903) in childhood.

No rebound effect

This study followed a cohort of young Asians wearing MiYosmart glasses manufactured by Hoya for six years. Conclusion: Wearing 12 hours a day slows the progression of vision impairment by an average of 60% compared to conventional lenses and there is no rebound effect when these lenses are removed.

Also read Myopia glasses: a new technology to protect children’s eyes

Worrying prevalence data

They have been on the market in France for two years and are equipped with a constellation of microlenses intended to correct the peripheral hyperopia characteristic of the “too long” myopic eye. A tool for the future at a time when the data on the prevalence of myopia are worrying: in 1970 it affected 20% of the world’s population, today it is 40% or 2.6 billion people. According to recent forecasts, this number could increase to 5 billion by 2050.

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