These regions of Earth may be uninhabitable by the year

These regions of Earth may be uninhabitable by the year 2100

They assume global warming 2.7 degrees Celsius until the year 2100. Doesn’t sound like much in theory, but it is dramatic.

They arrive at 2.7 degrees because they assume that the current global climate policy, that is, many promises but few actions, will be maintained.

What are “human climate niches”?

So the researchers have the so-called “human climate” Are defined.

These have always been temperate climate zones with few extremely cold or extremely hot days.

According to scientists, this is where we humans are most productive, healthiest, and least prone to conflict.

Much of the food that people grow is also geared for this climate.

About a third of humanity is affected

If global warming continues through the end of the century, however 22 to 39 percent of people no longer (can) live in such climatic zones.

Will these people have to survive like in the fantasy movie? Dune on the desert planet?