These signs are pessimistic by nature and always see the

These signs are pessimistic by nature and always see the glass as half empty Multiverso Notícias

Who has never lived with one? extremely negative person, who can’t see the positive side in any situation? Although this can be quite a challenge at times, did you know that the inability to see “the glass is half full” can be explained through astrology?

In case you are unfamiliar with and want to know the most pessimistic zodiac signs, we have created a list of the five most negative zodiac signs out there. See what they are below.

1. Cancer is a very negative sign

Cancer people are ruled by the moon and its changes. As such, they tend to be brought into environments where, in and of themselves, there is already a somewhat negative wave.

In this sense, it is common for cancer patients to struggle with negative thoughts. As if that wasn’t enough, Cancerians are people who hold grudges fairly easily, which doesn’t exactly help them be optimistic.

2. Gemini

Geminis are known to have split personalities. Therefore, while lovable and willing to open up and meet new people and experiences, they are still introverted and pessimistic people.

Often the reason for so much negativity is the high expectations this sign has of people and situations, causing them to feel disappointed and stop believing in everything and becoming pessimistic over time.

3. Virgo is the king of negativity

Pessimism is one of the main characteristics of Virgo people. In this sense, they tend to be overly critical of others as they are always focused on failures, no matter how small.

This behavior makes Virgos anxious and tends to feel the pressure to achieve perfection in everything. The result is a cycle of negative and pessimistic thoughts.

4. Scorpio

Scorpios have a habit of getting to the root of problems. They always want to know what’s behind a situation. This is because they are ruled by the planet Pluto, which is furthest from the sun. Therefore, they are deeply immersed in their feelings.

In addition, because of these qualities, they are extremely careful about their feelings and life in general. However, overzealousness can turn into pessimism.

5. Capricorn

Finally, the above signs can be negative, but none compare to Capricorn, which is the most pessimistic zodiac. That’s because they tend to think the worst of every situation because it’s easier for them to believe that life is like that.

In addition, they are people who have a strong need for control. But pessimism isn’t always a bad thing, as some Capricorns tend to find their motivation in their negativity, turning fear into strength to overcome their desires.

Therefore, Capricorns definitely teach us that the problem is not necessarily being pessimistic, but doing nothing to change that reality!