These simple gestures you can use to drastically boost your

These simple gestures you can use to drastically boost your energy levels

Winter is particularly conducive to cocooning. The short days and moody weather just cry out to stay warm at home, treat ourselves to that morning cup of coffee and that evening glass of wine to comfort us while we can. . All of our little bad habits suddenly become totally legitimate because “times are tough”. What if, after allowing ourselves a little self-pity, we gave ourselves a little boost by using the right gestures to feel more active in everyday life? We give you three good habits that are real “game changers” to increase your energy meter.

Habits to be happier every day:

1. Drink less coffee and a little more water

First reflex when you are tired? Use another cup of strong coffee to get back on your feet. However, consuming caffeine would have a paradoxical effect on the body. If there’s a feeling of buoyancy to begin with, drinking large amounts of coffee throughout the day can reduce our energy – even make us downright lethargic. In fact, the body gets used to a certain amount of caffeine, which stimulates it, and therefore feels a drop in energy when it is no longer present in the body. Coffee can also affect our sleep patterns. So we avoid serving ourselves that fourth cup of coffee simply because we’re bored or because we think it will do us good.

Conversely, we should drink a lot more water. Not many people know it, but dehydration is one of the most common causes of low energy. The reason ? Our red blood cells carry oxygen. When dehydrated, they shrink and reduce their ability to carry a full load of oxygen. Result: tiredness, irritability and restlessness. It’s time to invest in a good water bottle to take with you everywhere or install an app that reminds us to drink more water, for example.

2. Rest your eyes from screens

It is generally accepted that blue light should be limited at night before bed for a more restful sleep. But we talk a lot less about our screen time during the day, which also has a significant impact on our energy levels. The time we spend on our smartphone, computer, or in front of the TV actually disrupts neurotransmitters that are essential for sleep and recovery. Excessive screen time also affects our eyestrain, leading to headaches and poor concentration throughout the day. To overcome this, we can use the 20-20-20 method to fight against fatigue. This method, developed by Harvard Business Review, consists of pausing for 20 seconds every 20 minutes of screen time while looking at an object six meters away. The goal is to give your eyes a chance to relax.

3. Take a short break

It’s not big news, but emotional stress can make you feel less alive. It would even have a huge impact on our physical well-being, which inevitably contributes to a drop in energy. fight stress? Easy to say. But a very simple habit of integration is already finding a way to incorporate moments of pause into our daily lives, even when we feel like we don’t have time (especially when we feel like we don’t have time). It can be as little as five short minutes devoted to meditation or mindfulness. It can also be relaxing reading or journaling. No matter what time-out you allow yourself, the main thing is that it makes you happy and clears your head. Less stress means more energy and more efficiency to get on with your many daily tasks afterwards.

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