1705303458 These zodiac signs are the most intelligent but unfortunately they

These zodiac signs are the most intelligent, but unfortunately they are not at all lucky in love IT

These zodiac signs are the most intelligent, but also the unluckiest in love. Are you ready to find out what they are?

In life they say you can't have everything. Or again, as a famous and rather colorful saying goes: “Luck in the game, Bad luck in love” and vice versa. The fact is that here with Love centers intelligence. When we talk about the latter, we usually immediately think of a person super smart and very cultured.

In reality, it is not self-evident that someone who has learned a lot is necessarily good smarter than another who may not have been able to study due to health and/or financial problems. The fact is that it appears to be so a connection on the zodiac level between the prince of feelings and exactly intelligence.

Simply put, the most intelligent characters actually seem to be I had very bad luck when looking for a partner and build an important and lasting relationship. However, the fact is that the lucky lady is moody and unpredictable, this is where it comes into play too the character aspect whatever needs to be taken into account.

These signs are the most intelligent and unlucky in love

In addition, it must be added that in some cases these are also very intelligent people far too rational. And we know that reason, the famous Latin ratio, doesn't cope so well the emotionsLove first and foremost, which is something absolute by nature irrational.

Let's say it is not easy to explain them in words and somehow fully “justify”. And that actually scares people far too rational. With that said, you are now ready to find out what the smartest signs are entire zodiac and at the same time the most unfortunate in matters of the heart?

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Libra, Pisces, Cancer and Aquarius on the podium

Apparently we're talking about it Libra, Pisces and Cancer although not exactly the Waterman things are going badly. The fact is that this is where they come into play the different ascendants which always have great importance. In any case, especially if we refer to the first three, we are talking about a lot of signs sensitive and still very influenceable her great intelligence.

The cancer Then he is extremely moody and moody fish It's certainly not a fighting spirit. The scales Instead, it all too often tends to come alive. AND the Waterman? He is considered a libertine par excellence. Ergo, it is certainly due to this way of being that something goes wrong in love. Actually beyond that Bad luckIt is often in his nature to be impatient in a long relationship.

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