They accuse FRAUD in The House of Famous by signs

They accuse FRAUD in “The House of Famous” by signs between Galilea and Paul Stanley | VIDEO

With only three weeks on the air, the program is from “The House of the Famous” has become a phenomenon on Mexican television, so every action performed by its participants stands under one constant control and even create a topic of conversation on social networks, as recently with Galilea Montijo and Paul Stanley.

“What happened between Galilee and Paul Stanley?

After days of incessant activity, during which Wendy Guevara took the limelight and gave away some moments of great suspense, such as the severe blow that Ferka received, Nomination days are usually very attractiveTherefore, every detail is carefully scrutinized.

On the Tiktok platform, a scene where Both drivers of “Today” interact with some gestures that unleashed conspiracy theories.

Apparently, the incident happened on June 21, the day on which the nomination gala in the confessional (similar to Brig Brother) when Galilea made a connection with the occupants of the house.

That was the gesture of controversy

At the moment of short farewell, Montijo straightened the hair on his left ear After mentioning that he “joined in later to share the list of nominees with them,” it was right there when Paco Stanley’s son showed up took an identical step.

Fans launched several speculations such as: “It’s more than obvious, it’s not worth it, it’s an outside conspiracy”“Perhaps this signal means ‘You are not nominated'”, “It is true or a simple coincidence that you rubbed your ear”, “Watch out for the next nominations and catch them with the signals”.