1709436809 They always exaggerate I cant stand them anymore

“They always exaggerate, I can’t stand them anymore.”

Big Brother 2023/2024 March 2, 2024 8:31 p.m

New tensions in the Big Brother house between Massimiliano Varrese and the young tenants, especially Paolo Masella and Letizia Petris. “You're always exaggerating, getting personal and being heavy-handed,” the actor said.

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Big Brother 2023/2024

In the house of Big Brother They carry on Tensions Between Massimiliano Varrese and the other young tenants, especially the couple she founded Letizia Petris and Paolo Masella. After attacking the young people of the House of Representatives, the actor accused the 25-year-old of being “bad” as their relationship is now over. However, the spark was rekindled during one game.

Massimiliano Varrese attacks Letizia Petris and Paolo Masella

This time it was a game between the tenants that lit the spark. Paolo Masella was in the swimming pool and, connected to the lounge, said to the actor: “In life you have to know how to lose, Massimiliano.. “Let's not always exaggerate Paolo, but let's laugh every now and then. How much do you weigh”the person in question replied.

Letizia, Paolo's girlfriend, then intervened in the conversation: “Confidence is ok, but respect…” A swipe at Massimiliano, referring to the words spoken by the actor a few days earlier when he said that he had been sacrificed by his companions for the nominations because he was older. “Play alone, always exaggerate. Luckily we had made peace, Letizia,” Varrese said as he left the room. “Max, you made a joke, you shouldn't take it personally.” “You're sensitive,” Anita intervened. “Why do you always get in the way?” he replied. When the game was over, he said, “If you say something in jest, they'll immediately get heavy.” I don't think of it as a game; People who immediately become personaland when I bring up closed discussions, I can't stand them anymore. Beatrice was right about certain things.

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The precedents between Massimiliano Varrese and Letizia Petris

Massimiliano Varrese's dissatisfaction arose due to the nominations received from “veteran” tenants, including Giuseppe Garibaldi, Paolo Masella and his girlfriend Letizia Petris, some of the “veterans” who have been on the reality show since day one. The actor didn't expect to be “sacrificed” since he was older than most of the group, so he explained in the episode:

I realize that young people have decided that I am the one who will make sacrifices for the nomination. I accept it because it's part of the game, but I don't agree that I don't have to choose. When it comes to the end, I think we will decide together. You could have named someone else and not exactly the greatest.

Then, a few days after the episode, Varrese directly clashed with Letizia and ended their relationship: “You are a very bad person, those who said that are right. You're bad. As always, I looked for you lovingly for two days to clarify.” ” .