They are conducting a mobilization for democracy in Brazil

Various social organizations, political movements, Brazilians and Brazilians have mobilized this Monday in a great day in defense of democracy and for the non-amnesty of those responsible for the coup events of January 8, 2023.


Supreme Court recalls coup attempt in Brazil

To commemorate one year since pro-Bolsonarist Brazilians attacked the Three Powers in Brasilia (capital), organizations such as the Landless Rural Workers Movement (MST), the Single Central of Workers (CUT) and the Homeless Workers Movement (MTST) toured. Streets and avenues in different states of the country.

Local media reported that in the state of Sao Paulo, more than two thousand people gathered on Avenida Paulista and demanded justice for the coup attempt, while in other states they also held a day and demanded not to be forgotten, including Rio de Janeiro, Goais and Salvador de Bahía, Paraná, Minas Gerais.

In this sense, the MTST said that together with the National Front for the Mobilization of the People Without Fear, it not only took to the streets against this coup attempt, but also demanded responsibility from those who practiced, financed and defended it politically.

The call for “no amnesty for the coup plotters” must resonate until justice is served, the MTST stressed, explaining that “the answer today and always is to mobilize to expand democracy.”

During the mobilization day, Débora Nunes, member of the national coordination of the MST, spoke out in defense of democracy and expressed her “total rejection of the coup attempts by sections of society that tried to attack the historic rights fought for by the people.” ”

Analyzing the dangers of this coup attempt, the Undersecretary of the Communications Secretariat of the National CUT, Tadeu Porto, emphasized that “the defense of democracy is not only the defense of the legacy of millions of workers who have built in Brazil a culture of the organization that is capable of expanding the rights of the people, but also upholding a historical lesson that shows that the more agency the working class has, the better the living conditions of the people.

“You may or may not like the PT, the CUT, the MST or President Lula da Silva, but to despise their strength is to close your eyes to an undeniable reality. And all these movements arose from a deep desire for democracy,” said Tadeu Porto.

For his part, the national coordinator of the Central de Popular Movements (CMP), Raimundo Bonfim, said of the mobilization: “January 8 marks a year since this sad episode in Brasilia. We must not forget this date and therefore call on the Brazilian people to demonstrate on the streets and in the networks. Here is our invitation to take part in the mobilizations of the coming days. There is no amnesty for the coup plotters, always democracy.”