“They are illegal and immoral”: Puebla group speaks out against economic sanctions Sputnik

At the opening of the IX. At the meeting of the Puebla Group at the International Baroque Museum in the city of Puebla (central-eastern Mexico), former Colombian President Ernesto Samper declared that “dollarization was the secret hegemonic weapon used to give globalization its owners.” It was a game with winners and losers.

More than 200 progressive leaders from Latin America are attending the meeting, including Vice President of Venezuela Delcy Rodriguez, Foreign Minister of Cuba Bruno Rodriguez and former Presidents Rafael Correa of ​​Ecuador; Evo Morales from Bolivia and Martín Torrijos from Panama.

In his inaugural speech, former President Samper expressed sharp criticism of the “hegemonic” unilateral sanctions that never achieve their goal.

With this meeting entitled “In unity we move forward”, the Puebla group returns to the city where this organization of left-wing leaders in Latin America was founded four years ago, with the aim of analyzing various problems that the countries of the affect the region and seek common solutions.

In this sense, Samper said that the alternative to globalization and neoliberalism is integration. “We risk Latin American integration. We have never been as disintegrated as we are now and integration has never been as necessary as it is now (…) We propose political integration, we propose a unified structure of the region.”

The former Colombian president also advocated for the reintegration of Unasur (Union of South American Nations) and the strengthening of the Community of Latin American and Caribbean States (Celac) to act as a kind of law firm for Latin America.

“We are the largest biodiversity reserve on the planet, we have a third of the planet’s fresh water and we have a forest that is the great lung of the world, namely the Amazon, but we are not ready to fight for what we do .” for nothing,” said the former South American president.

“We want to recognize the importance of this heritage and begin a transition with this recognition,” he added.

Former Bolivian President Evo Morales, in his participation, recalled that this year marks 200 years since the introduction of the American Monroe Doctrine, emphasizing that we are witnessing the demise of the unipolar model that the West wanted to impose on the United States free peoples of the world. .

“Globalization has failed, but so has the West’s hegemonic unipolarity over the people of the world,” he claimed.

On social networks, Morales added that Latin America is a territory of peace where free, dignified and anti-imperialist peoples live. “We are not the back yard or estate of the empire,” he explained.