They call for more investment to reduce Americas nursing deficit

They call for more investment to reduce America’s nursing deficit

To commemorate International Nursing Day, which is observed on this day, PAHO reported that the region needs between 600,000 and two million more health workers, including nurses, to meet the health care, empowerment and prevention needs of the entire population.

According to the organization’s director, Jarbas Barbosa, an educated, trained and equitably distributed workforce is essential to create resilient health systems, meet the health needs of populations and better prepare for future threats and pandemics.

He stressed the fundamental role of health workers during the Covid-19 pandemic and paid tribute to those who lost their lives.

However, he added that nursing staff “continue to face challenges related to staff shortages, misallocation and inadequate work environments.”

Fifty-six percent of all health workers in America are nurses, making them a cornerstone of health services.

According to recent estimates, Latin American and Caribbean countries have an average of 44.3 nurses per 10,000 population, which is below the estimate (70.6) needed to achieve the goal of access and universal health coverage the United Nations in 2030.

For this reason, Barbosa called for a redoubling of efforts in three key areas: health financing, including the training and retention of nurses; quality of education, well-trained nurses; and expanding their professional role in primary care to close gaps in coverage and access to healthcare.

“On this international day, let’s join our efforts to recover stronger and better from Covid-19 and make the investments to have the caregivers we need to achieve health for all in America,” he said PAHO Director.
