1700880744 They call on Noboa to declare a state of emergency

They call on Noboa to declare a state of emergency in Ecuador’s education sector (+photo)

This Friday, the President of the Teachers’ Union, Andrés Quishpe, sent a letter to the Carondelet Palace (Government Seat) in which he welcomed the President and wished him success in his term of office and also presented the figures on education. left of former President Guillermo Lasso.

According to Quishpe, 380 minors have been victims of contract killings so far this year and more than 200,000 young people have been forced to leave classrooms due to poverty, a situation that, he explained, forces boys, girls and teenagers to be co-opted by criminal gangs.

Likewise, the document warns that more than four thousand educational units nationwide are at risk from the arrival of the El Niño phenomenon.

They call on Noboa to declare a state of emergency

Official data from the Ministry of Education recently revealed that there are currently around 40,000 school dropouts in this South American country.

For its part, the Ecuadorian Institute of Statistics and Censuses (INEC) has identified several factors that increase the likelihood of children and young people dropping out of school.

First, INEC highlighted the lack of economic resources with 24.5 percent. On the other hand, in the coastal region, in addition to poverty, violence and insecurity had affected the regularity of school, the institution emphasized.

This Thursday, Noboa took the oath to become President of Ecuador until 2025, a task he described as “difficult and difficult.”

The young businessman welcomed a country mired in the worst security crisis in history and facing economic problems that analysts say will be difficult to resolve in just a year and a half in office.
