They condemn the deterioration of the judicial system in Guatemala

They condemn the deterioration of the judicial system in Guatemala

At a press conference in front of the Supreme Court, participants pointed out that President Alejandro Giammattei and Attorney General Consuelo Porras are responsible for the current deterioration of the Public Ministry (MP), an autonomous body in charge of prosecution and public prosecution.

According to those present, the institution is “an instrument of vengeance against prosecutors, investigators, judges, journalists, defenders of human rights and territory and any person who fights corruption and impunity or denounces government abuses”.

Given the deteriorating situation of the judicial system, they asked the nominating commission responsible for choosing the next attorney general and head of parliament not to vote for candidatures linked to Giammattei, such as Porras (seeking his re-election), Jorge Luis Donado, Jose Urrutia, Gloria Suchite and Henry Wilson.

They claim to be fulfilling their mandate to protect the corrupt in office and are therefore calling for “an MP without a mafia”.

With this in mind, they invited citizens to demonstrate and go to the Supreme Court Hearing Room (CSJ) on April 1, 4, 5, 7 and 8 to listen to the interviews of the candidates for the position and their to attend the respective assessment .

Likewise on April 18, when the postulator chooses the six names to be sent to the head of state, who has the last word.

On behalf of the Social and Popular Assembly, Daniel Pascual announced that from April 6 they will hold a vigil in the Plaza de los Derechos Humanos in front of the CSJ and oppose the turn of the judiciary in the country and the eventual re-election de Porras, linked to the Interests of sectors of corruption and impunity, he reiterated.

In the statement, the organizations also expressed their “solidarity with Judge Érika Aifán, who had to go into exile and threatened her personal safety due to intense pressure from the MP and the corrupt mafia that seeks impunity.”

Furthermore, in favor of Judge Pablo Xitumul, removed from office by the Supreme Court through perverse mechanisms, and with the prosecutors of the Special Prosecutor’s Office Against Impunity and the defunct International Commission Against Impunity, due to cases recorded by the judiciary , were unjustly imprisoned legal person.

The Nominating Commission meets this Wednesday to hear exculpatory evidence from five candidates for attorney general against allegations by civil organizations and citizens.

Porras collected the most objections and the commissioners will decide whether or not to continue the process like the others.
