They create artificial intelligence capable of predicting the date of

They create artificial intelligence capable of predicting the date of your death – Futura

Advances in artificial intelligence are so great that Danish researchers have developed a tool that can prevent possible health problems and even the likely date of death of any person, unless it is an accident.

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A new form of artificial intelligence called life2vec AI Death Calculator would be able to predict events in citizens' lives, including the date of death. This, to say the least, disturbing project is being carried out by the Technical Universities of Denmark (DTU), Copenhagen, Copenhagen IT (ITU) and Northeastern in the United States. The results of their research have just been published in the journal Nature Computational Science.

To achieve their goal, the researchers developed a language model to analyze data from the personal lives of Danes, the only population group whose data was currently considered. To do this, they collected millions of pieces of data about their health, from doctor visits or emergency room visits to diagnoses made to their professional background, be it their areas of activity, their income or their social benefits. It should be noted that the majority of the information collected focused on the period 2008-2016.

What do the first diagnoses reveal?

After training their model, the scientists were able to develop a tool that could predict a person's life expectancy, as well as the risks of diseases they might contract and even the likely date of death. Apparently this model is currently only suitable for the Danes.

Not surprisingly, those in leadership positions with the highest incomes are most likely to have a long life expectancy, while those with psychiatric diagnoses are associated with a “quicker” risk of death.

People with fragile mental health have a shorter life expectancy than others

In addition to the possible reliability, this work also raises important ethical questions regarding the use of sensitive medical data and its confidentiality. This type of research still opens up new, unexpected perspectives when the AI ​​thinks it's Madame Irma!