1695029066 They demand an agreement from the president in Lebanon

They demand an agreement from the president in Lebanon

The member of the Loyalty to the Resistance bloc emphasized that the decision to appoint the new head of state lies in the hands of the deputies, regardless of international pressure and interference.

They demand an agreement from the president in Lebanon

Fadlallah stressed that the only way to end the power vacuum is through understanding between Lebanese political parties, away from leaks and analysis by the media and the outside world.

In this sense, he called for extending the dialogue to other forces in the country and reaching a consensus as quickly as possible to find an appropriate solution to the deterioration of living conditions.

In this context, MP Ibrahim al-Moussawi argued that there was no way out of the current stagnation except through the appointment of a President of the Republic; and in this line of thought he emphasized the urgency of national unity.

They demand an agreement from the president in Lebanon

The MP pointed out the importance of upholding conscience and adopting a system of moral values ​​when dealing with matters in the presidential file. On this issue, following the deepening of the economic collapse, he advocated solidarity and assistance to those in need, particularly in the areas of health, education and livelihoods.

According to analyst Buthaina Aliq, Lebanon is at a crucial historical moment and the crisis is deeply national and goes beyond the election of a president.

In an article for the pan-Arab network Al Mayadeen, the specialist pointed out that the scenario is complex and related to the future of the country, its options, trends, location, politics, allies, friends and opponents, putting Lebanon at the forefront of risks in the light of global and regional transformations.

After gaining independence, the Nation of Cedars faces the obstacles of the fourth phase of the power vacuum amid political disagreements, foreign interference and economic crisis. On June 14, Parliament repeated the same script of the previous eleven sessions, and so far no representative of the Maronite Christian community has the support of the majority of 128 deputies to fill the post of head of state.
