1648680228 They filter out chilling images of Selena Quintanillas corpse

They filter out chilling images of Selena Quintanilla’s corpse

They filter out chilling images of Selena Quintanilla's corpse

So tragic was the death of singer Selena Quintanilla that after so many years, chilling images of the body are still leaking out.

This March 31st marks another year in Selena Quintanilla’s death after the day in 1995 when the singer was shot; So a bunch of photos of the body leaked from there.

What has always been a mystery, however, is her fatal accident, which year after year raises doubts about the reasons for her death.

It was apparently Yolanda Saldívar, the president of her fan club, who shot her. His death catapulted them into legend; being a star who was in full swing when they decided to end his life.

They filter out chilling images of Selena Quintanillas corpse

Selena was the queen of Tex Mex and since his death there has not been another singer of equal talent to stand out in the United States, Mexico and the world.

Always, before another anniversary of his death, outrage emerges at the way a promising star was murdered.

The chilling images they always share show the corpse on the coroner’s plate (Semefo), covered only with a white sheet.

The photo shows the bullet hole, his body is facing forward and part of his face can be seen.

One of the investigative lines suggests that both were in discussion because the singer allegedly discovered mismanagement in her finances, but in fact the real reasons for her death went with her to the grave.