You remember Chavezs legacy after 10 years of election victory

They hold a vigil in honor of Chávez in the Cuartel de la Montaña

Authorities, young people from the United Socialist Party (PSUV), leaders of social movements and international guests went to the place where rests the remains of the Bolivarian leader, whose ideas and legacy live in the hearts of a people today.

Singer-songwriter Alejandro Primera sang songs to demonstrate that this son of Simón Bolívar and America, with his uniform and red beret, roams the hills of Caracas, the savannahs and into every corner where a man, woman or a child cries for justice.

Diosdado Cabello, first vice president of the PSUV, declared that we have arrived at a new March 5, one of those that “touches the soul” and we have always said that the commander must live, work, be remembered. enjoy, share, suffer, cry, this is our Chávez, he affirmed.

He expressed that we never tire of paying tribute to the commander and perhaps today we must leave the mark of word and deed so that in 200 years the world will speak of Hugo Chávez and do so as he was, the leader , conductor, brother, the fighter, the soldier, the friend, the brother, the loving and merry.

Cabello recalled that he was fortunate to share with him and we know his spirituality, his humanity and his love and that is why, he said, we must remember him, always in life.

He stressed that if we want to remember Chávez even more, then let’s be like him, “five minutes a day as Chávez will be the best memory and tribute we can pay to our giant,” he added.

We, he said, can stand anywhere in the world and say that Simón Bolívar and the commander were born here on this soil.

The political leader commented that Chávez today is not only for Venezuelans but for all men and women who desire freedom in the world, as he is an ethical, moral, combative and combative reference and a reference for great victories.

He was such a reference, he assured, that 10 years after his departure there are still people who believe that insulting him “will lead to us erasing the image we have of the commander”.

There is no way for it, he noted, pointing out that in this sacred space where its remains rest, whatever happens, it will be kept that way forever and ever because those who come after will allow it and do You do that. You’ll make it, he insisted.
