1708021288 They insist on cross sector work against the illegal tobacco

They insist on cross sector work against the illegal tobacco trade (+photo)

In a press conference at the end of the third session of the Protocol to Eliminate Illicit Trade in Tobacco (MOP3), the expert explained that this matter cannot be handled only by health authorities, customs, public ministries must be involved, Interpol.

He also referred to the experience of Panama, which he called for to be shared through the creation of an interinstitutional committee for this front, with the participation of various organizations that exchange information and actions, including in the legal field.

When asked by Prensa Latina, the Uruguayan doctor explained why, of the 183 countries that make up the FCTC, only 68 have signed the protocol, commenting in this context that the Covid-19 pandemic has influenced a process that is now ongoing .

In many cases, he said, there are nations that, without being signatories to this important instrument, implement the measures and actions provided for in the document and all that remains is the formality of signing.

They insist on cross sector work against the illegal tobaccoThey insist on cross sector work against the illegal tobacco

Speaking to journalists, Blanco also pointed out that the creation of an information platform for the traceability and monitoring of tobacco products and their derivatives is already in the first phase, which will facilitate the fight against illegal practices and industry interference.

The Secretary General of the Ministry of Health (Minsa), Antonio Gramsci, was also asked by this news agency four months before the general elections about the consistency of the current government measures and Panamanian laws against the illegal tobacco trade, pointing out that ensuring the health of the population is unchangeable , independent of the executive branch that takes office next July.

Protecting non-smokers, combating the illegal tobacco trade, respecting national legislation in this regard and raising awareness among the youngest remain our priorities, he stressed.

Dr. For her part, Reina Roa, coordinator of the National Tobacco Control Commission of Minsa, emphasized that the fight against illegalities in this area is enshrined in the Constitution of the Republic and the decisions of the Supreme Court and must be complied with.

MOP 3 took place with the participation of delegations from 70 countries and preceded the 10th Conference of the Parties (COP10) to the World Health Organization Framework Convention.
