They like a comeback The Signs Most Common to Get

They like a comeback! The Signs Most Common to Get Back Together with Their Ex Edital Concursos Brasil

Love life can be a real roller coaster ride, and when it comes to exes, each zodiac sign has their own way of dealing with this complicated situation. Some are believers in the famous “delete and never put it back together,” while others may have a more nostalgic attitude and keep getting back together with their ex.

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So if you want to know which zodiac signs can't resist a romantic reconciliation and always look to the past, then get ready. Check out the three signs most likely to get back together with their ex!

Cancer sufferers get back together with their ex

You are extremely emotional and sensitive. Therefore, they value relationships and have a strong connection to the past. It's no surprise that they are on the list of signs most likely to get back together with their ex. For them, love is like an old love film full of flashbacks and nostalgic moments.

Additionally, Cancer patients tend to idealize past relationships and may have difficulty letting go, especially when there are many emotional memories at play. In other words, longing hits the Cancer patient's heart hard, and unexpected news can easily rekindle old flames.


This is the sign of dreamers and incurable romantics. Ruled by Neptune, Pisces have a fertile imagination and often prefer to live in a world full of fantasies. Finally, they are empathetic and sensitive to others' feelings, which can make them prone to love relapses.

The thought of “lost true love” can be very attractive to a Pisces, who often give them second, third and fourth chances. Ultimately, they hope that the relationship can turn into the fairytale they imagine.

Signs Getting Back Together With Their Ex: Libra

Ruled by Venus, the planet of love, Libra is known for its appreciation of beauty and harmony in all aspects of life, including relationships. Therefore, Libras hate conflict and will do anything to maintain peace and balance, including returning to a relationship that has already ended.

They find it difficult to make decisions and may be unsure about breaking up with their ex permanently. Ultimately, Libra's indecision combined with their desire for harmony could lead them to rekindle an old flame in the hopes that things will be different this time.