1697781042 They march in Ecuador in solidarity with Palestine photos

They march in Ecuador in solidarity with Palestine (+photos)

Ecuadorians, Palestinians and citizens of other nationalities living in this South American country made their way to the Israeli Embassy headquarters from El Arbolito Park in the center of the city.

They march in Ecuador in solidarity with Palestine photos

With flags and slogans they called for the end of Zionism and a free Palestine.

Former Ecuadorian Ambassador to the United Nations Horacio Sevilla, one of the participants in the protest, told Prensa Latina that such solidarity actions are necessary to stop the aggression once and for all, find peace and establish the State of Palestine.

What is important is that the people of the world are awake and aware of Palestine. What happened before was already serious when the passage of time and forgetting facilitated Israel’s illegal occupation of the Palestinian territories, the diplomat said.

The march was called by Ecuadorian civil society groups to condemn what they describe as the international community’s “complicit silence” in failing to stop the genocide committed by the Zionist regime.

A United States flag was burned at the protest to reject Washington’s support for the Tel Aviv government and its war actions.

Demonstrators also demanded that the Ecuadorian government condemn the indiscriminate bombings and total blockade of the Gaza Strip, which have caused thousands of civilian casualties.
