They want to educate people in Brazil about the sponsors

They want to educate people in Brazil about the sponsors of coup attempts

The Metrópoles portal indicates that in the next three working months this body will also investigate the involvement of public agents in the riots of January 8, a date marked black in national history.

According to the leader of the CPI, MP Chico Vigilante, the commission will advance the investigation into the people who donated money to sustain the coup movement.

The next to be questioned at the ICC on September 21 is Federal District Military Police (PMDF) Colonel Paulo José Ferreira de Sousa Bezerra, who was in charge of the Operations Department (DOP) at the time of the episodes.

De Sousa Bezerra was reported by the Attorney General’s Office and arrested on August 18.

In a report obtained by Metrópoles, the Federal Police indicates that it is responsible for preparing the containment plan for the demonstrators.

The week before the anti-democratic acts, De Souza Bezerra took over interim leadership of the DOP when incumbent Colonel Jorge Eduardo Naime was placed on leave. Both are now in prison.

Vigilante pointed out that he must clarify whether it was De Souza Bezerra who ordered the opening of the Esplanade of the Ministries to vandals on January 8th.

The Commission’s schedule includes the hearing of Ana Priscila Azevedo on September 28th.

Azevedo was named as the organizer of the camp in front of the army headquarters in Brasilia and the invasion and looting of the headquarters of the Three Powers (National Congress, Supreme Court and Presidential Palace).

She appears in several videos and photos in which she calls for and commemorates anti-democratic events. Likewise, images were captured of them saluting and smiling in Parliament after former President Jair Bolsonaro’s extremist supporters turned violent.

For ICC rapporteur Joao Hermeto da Silva, the camp in front of the headquarters was “the egg of the snake”.

He claimed that “those responsible who could have removed the site but chose to keep it must be prosecuted.” “The camp is the cradle of the raids, the attack on the 8th,” he noted.

After hearing the witnesses and carrying out the planned procedures, the ICC’s final step is the approval of the report, which must be done by December 8. The document could contain the charges against those responsible for the conspiracy.

The report will be submitted immediately to the Ministry of State, which may lodge complaints against the Commission’s objectives.
