They will carry out a caravan in Argentina in solidarity

They will carry out a caravan in Argentina in solidarity with Palestine

Buenos Aires, February 16 (Prensa Latina) Members of the Argentine Committee for Solidarity with the Palestinian People will today take part in a caravan in this capital to demand an end to the genocide committed by Israel.

In addition, they will denounce the intentions of Javier Milei's government to move the embassy of this South American nation to Jerusalem.

The initiative begins at 5:00 p.m. local time at Congress Plaza. Anyone who would like to take part can do so by car, bicycle or motorbike.

The tour takes you through boulevards such as Callao, Santa Fe and Paseo Colón and ends at the obelisk around 6:30 p.m.

An event will take place in the Plaza de la República in which members of social organizations and defenders of human and cultural rights will take part.

According to the call, the declaration of solidarity with Palestine should be read out there.

“We once again reject the genocide committed by Israel in the Gaza Strip and throughout occupied Palestine and demand that the Argentine government not continue to support criminal policies,” reads a fragment of the text that will be published.

“We urge President Milei not to speak on our behalf or expose the Argentine people to complicity in one of the most heinous crimes in our contemporary history,” he added.

It also considers the killing of Palestinian civilians, as well as the famine, disease and prolonged displacement they suffer, unacceptable.

The incessant bombardment of the refugee camps in Rafah represents the final phase of destruction. Criminals and those who support them, their accomplices, must be brought to justice before humanity sooner rather than later, he says.
