1666293378 They would not have wanted to be left alone with

They would not have wanted to be left alone with this hate and resentment

Separation Francesco Totti-Ilary Blasi, the news

On Thursday October 27, Ilaria D’Amico will be back on TV with the program Che’è di nuovo, which will be broadcast on Rai2. The journalist spoke about this new television adventure in an interview with Repubblica and then spoke about the breakup between Francesco Totti and Ilary Blasi.

They would not have wanted to be left alone with

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Separation Francesco Totti-Ilary Blasi, the news

Ilaria D’Amico prepares to return to television. Thursday October 27 will debut the program on Rai2 what’s new. The journalist leaves the history of football and sport to talk about current events: “I want to tell about this world that seems crazy: with the war in Europe we do not understand if we are referring to the superpowers, we feel more fragile “Everything, a woman coming into government for the first time, the right thing wins. You could say: What’s new? Everything”. And he added:

Let’s start with the prejudices against Giorgia Meloni, but we have to be honest and say it straight away: this is her big chance. I look at her, she’s a mother like me, you’re late and you feel guilty, you want to do everything. You had to tease her a bit for not seeing your daughter, right? But nobody broke them in Berlusconi if ​​they didn’t see their children.

The love story with Gigi Buffon

In these hours, Ilaria D’Amico and Gigi Buffon were immortalized by the weekly Chi, more in love than ever. In an interview with Repubblica, he explained: “For me, in the second round you learn from the mistakes of the past, the meaning of being together is to support each other and not to stand: we feel good together, it’s spontaneous “. And he continued: “We have a beautiful extended family, four sons. Mine was made entirely of women. He is a navigator on sight, when the seas are very rough there is one certainty: he is solid. In this time when many Things happen in our lives, even logistical decisions, puts my mind at ease: ‘Honey, this is the program you wanted to do and you’re doing it.’ Fantastic.”

Totti – Blasi: opinion of Ilaria d’Amico

Ilaria D’Amico commented on the separation of Francesco Totti and Ilary Blasi. The journalist believes that if they knew them, they would not have wanted their marriage to end in resentment: “They seem to me two very good people who ended up in a mixture of mutual hatred. In my opinion they would also have wanted to keep away from that awful yelling. Nobody has to get the end of the month to the point. Knowing them, I think they both would have wanted the opposite of the resentment that comes out.” And he concluded, “I don’t feel like judging them, I feel tenderness to feel more like a couple and just like parents. And you are forever”.