This beautiful man next to Parietti is no longer recognizable

This beautiful man next to Parietti is no longer recognizable today: you all know him, but now he has no hair and a few extra kilos tendendiviaggio

Can you guess the identity of the mystery man next to Alba Parietti? Today he is one of the most talked about characters on television.

The Amarcord recordings They often retain a nostalgic aftertaste and show the development of the immortalized motifs over time; At other times they also turn out to be surprising and bear witness to this epochal physical changesas in the case of the photo in question.

We see one in the pictureAlba Parietti very young and fresh, who seems almost surprised by the photographer's flash, and there is a woman standing next to her handsome young man with the blue and white checked shirt.

Tanned skin, deep dark eyes and unkempt hair – the subject in the shot boasts typical Mediterranean beautyHowever, she decided against pursuing a career as an actor or model.

On the contrary: he works in Fashion sector, but he doesn't like walking the catwalks and recently sparked a media case of major proportions. Have you guessed who it is? Not bad: you'll find some hints in the next paragraph!

Some curiosities about the mysterious man

The subject of the mystery is vintage 1971 born in Siena and belongs to the zodiac sign Pisces. Although his career often takes him to different areas of Italy, he always tries to visit his hometown, especially during the characteristic annual Palio. Even at a young age he showed a profound personality Passion for the world of fashionand indeed today he has acquired the status of an established stylist and image expert, going so far as to be present behind the scenes of many 8 Sanremo Festival.

The mysterious man was also part of it Circle of Barbara D'Urso's protégés, and has therefore attended several of the Neapolitan presenter's shows, but is also connected to other illustrious names in Italian show business. One thing above all, that of Valeria Mariniwho chose him as her personal stylist during the “Saluti e baci” show at Bagaglino and was obviously her long-time friend Alba Parietti. In her past there is a 5-star relationship with the prince that failed shortly before the altar Christian Haile Selassieand later a liaison with Damiano Allotta, former partner of Stefano Gabbana. Fresh from “GF Vip 7”, the mysterious man was initially very successful with his roommates, but was then punished for some in the televoting inappropriate attitude towards Marco Bellavia. Now that you have more elements, have you finally understood its identity?

The identity of the mysterious man

The man depicted in the photo is none other than the stylist Giovanni CiacciCommentator and former Gieffino with the iconic blue beard!

Giovanni Ciacci retains the credit for having sensitized Italian public opinion to this HIV topic, which he suffers from, under the cameras of “GF Vip”. A brave and absolutely unprecedented decision that finally broke the taboos and prejudices surrounding the disease.

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