This cancer that is eating away at the federal government

Police forces are unable to protect a state dinner in honor of the Italian Prime Minister.

A civil servant who receives $200 million in contracts from the federal government.

The presence of Chinese spies in the country's most sensitive laboratory is disguised by partisan interests.

There was a time when any of these stories would have left the government in turmoil for months.

But not in 2024. Today we are sorry, we shrug our shoulders.

The conservative opposition is certainly tearing up its shirt, columnists are outraged.

But Prime Minister Trudeau's resignation will not be necessary. Either way, it can't get any worse.

  • Listen to the Latraverse Bock Côté meeting with Emmanuelle Latraverse QUB :

The king

Some will say the state's mission has been perverted.

It is no longer about serving and protecting Canada.

In this extremely polarized era, the government machinery ultimately always prioritizes the image of the Prime Minister.

True, the Canada of 2024 is neither the France of Louis IX. nor the Russia of the Tsars. Gone are the days when the king's interests took precedence over all other considerations.

And yet…

How can we explain the government's four-year blockade from publishing a report on the firing of two Chinese scientists accused of espionage?

How can we justify the disturbing nonchalance with which this administration has handled issues of foreign interference if not to protect its electoral interests among certain immigrant communities?

SNC-Lavalin, passports, ArrivalCan, the list has been growing for years. Under Brian Mulroney and Jean Chrétien, ministers would have resigned for much less money.

This cancer that is eating away at the federal government

Archive photo, QMI Agency

Which ministers?

But in 2024, no one will ever be held accountable. From decision makers, ministers have become courtiers.

One day political science theses will be written about the renunciation of any sense of responsibility within the political class.

Can we blame Justin Trudeau for believing he was invincible from the moment he survived blackface?