This Friday on TVA: Backstreet Boy AJ McLean on “It Ends the Week Well”

Backstreet Boy AJ McLean will visit the set It’s a good end to the weekthis Friday, on TVA.

The artist was in Montreal on Wednesday to promote the show he hosts, “The Fashion Hero: A New Kind of Beautiful.”

This reality show is produced by Montreal production company Beauty World Search under executive producer Caroline Bernier and BBC Studios.

The third season of The Fashion Hero: A New Kind of Beautiful will consist of 10 episodes filmed in Croatia.

AJ McLean of the Backstreet Boys on the set of the show “It ends well the week”, episode that we can see this Friday at 7 p.m. on TVA.

Backstreet Boy AJ McLean on the set of The Week Ends Well surrounded by co-hosts Julie Bélanger and Jean-Michel Anctil. PHOTO PROVIDED BY TVA

Available on the Paramount+ platform, the series “advocates diversity, self-acceptance and inclusion with positive discourse” to show that there are other possible beauty standards beyond those imposed by society
In general.

“The Fashion Hero: A New Kind of Beautiful” redefines physical standards as 22 contestants from around the world, ages 21 to 60, compete in a series of challenges in hopes of becoming the face of fashion. “A brand of clothing, fragrances or cosmetics.” . The winner will receive a grand prize of $50,000.

The co-hosts of It end well the Week, Julie Bélanger and Jean-Michel Anctil, will also host Sara Dufour, Marie-Eve Janvier and Pierre-Luc Pomerleau. Their meeting will be broadcast on TVA every Friday starting at 7 p.m.