This guy is incapable of finding his way off a

“This guy is incapable of finding his way off a stage”: Trump parodies Biden on his age

The former president of the United States made fun of the Democratic president’s moments of absence by imitating him, lost on stage.

A lost bullet. This Friday, September 29, former President of the United States Donald Trump spoke in Anaheim at the California Republican Party Convention. In front of an audience committed to his candidacy, he attacked his rival for the Republican primary for the 2024 presidential election, Ron DeSantis. But for a few seconds, incumbent President Joe Biden was also mocked by his predecessor about his age and appearance.

Donald Trump, 77, mocked the 80-year-old Democratic president in front of a laughing crowd: “This guy can’t find his way off a stage!” Trump, who hopes to replace him in the White House in 2024, imitated him forlornly on stage: “Look, here is the scene, I have never seen this stupid scene in the past, I have never seen it before.” But if I go to the left, there is a staircase. And if I go to the right, there’s a staircase.” Then the former president turned and staggered toward the wall and said, “And this guy stands up: Where am I? Where am I ?”

Joe Biden appeared confused several times during speeches or public events. He appeared lost and tired at a recent press conference in Vietnam. Visibly confused, he described the Asian country as a “third world” before his team ended the press conference early. As he left his desk he said, “I don’t know about you, but I’m going to bed…”

It’s not the first time that Donald Trump has made fun of his Democratic rival. Last April, the former president performed the same skit in front of his supporters during a speech in New Hampshire, imitating Joe Biden, who lost on stage.