This heatwave could have an eventful ending

This heatwave could have an eventful ending

The Weather Network editorial team

WeatherMediaPublished June 22, 2023 at 11:55 am

Updated on June 22, 2023 at 3:00 p.m.

After the scorching heat, some areas could get a powerful cold shower. Forecast.

heat wave

Scorching heat is currently prevailing in large parts of the province. The northwestern sectors in particular, including Matagami and Chibougamau, are experiencing a heat wave with temperatures exceeding 32 degrees. The south of the province is also being hit by the heat, although we are closer to seasonal norms in these sectors. From Friday, however, the mercury will drop and there is a risk of thunderstorms.


Danger of thunderstorms in two stages

A system could bring the risk of thunderstorms in the western part of the province as early as Friday. As the cold front passes, a significant amount of convection energy is available for storm cell formation. Abitibi-Témiscamingue and Nord-du-Québec can expect heavy rain and squalls in the afternoon after crossing these cells. Even large hailstones are possible. Lightning could be a factor to watch in these regions, which are still highly prone to wildfires.


As the system continues its course southward, it is the sectors of the St. Lawrence Valley that could suffer late Saturday afternoon. Rainfall could be plentiful from the Outaouais to the Gaspé. In fact, the atmosphere is currently flooded and just waiting for an opportunity to vent. In particular, we can expect heavy, short and very selective showers. Eclairs could also be involved.


The risk of thunderstorms could last until Sunday.

In collaboration with Alexandra Giroux, meteorologist.

SEE ALSO: Heatwave: Factors to Watch Out For