This is fantastic news from BBB24 routine during the reality

This is fantastic: news from BBB24, routine during the reality show and dynamic spoilers with Boninho, Tadeu and Rodrigo Dourado G1

O BBB24 premieres this Monday (8), but the program has been causing a stir for weeks. According to “confirmations and leaked lists,” the edition will feature around 426 boxes, as Boninho general director of the program joked on his Instagram profile. The memes, conspiracies and excerpts from past editions are already getting us excited for the premiere and everyone is looking forward to this edition, which promises something new.

In this episode of the podcast 'This is fantastic', Renata Capucci chatted with Boninho, general director of the program, Rodrigo Dourado, artistic director, and moderator Tadeu Schmidt. They talked about the news of the edition, what the routine or rather, lack thereof is like during the reality show and there are also spoilers about the dynamics in the house that Sincerão, which will replace the Discord game.

“It's always a surprise, it's always different. When people come together, they will tell different stories. Our idea and the work process here is to hunt down the best stories and tell the public what these stories are,” he emphasizes Cute.

What he liked best about the architecture of the new house, Tadeu Schmidt says, was that there was another bedroom:

“There will be a different division of people there. They will necessarily divide in other ways. There has never been three quarters plus the leader’s quarter.”

2 of 3 Tadeu Schmidt in the BBB 24 House — Photo: Globo/Manoella Mello Tadeu Schmidt in the BBB 24 House — Photo: Globo/Manoella Mello 3 of 3 BBB24 House — Photo: Globo/Manoella Mello BBB24 House — Photo: Globo/Manoella Mello