The test facility developed by the Helmholtz Center Hereon to separate CO2 from industrial gases using a membrane process was successfully put into operation at Dillinger Hüttenwerke at the beginning of December. As part of the MemKoWI project, several experiments will initially be carried out over the next few months to test the large-scale applicability of separating CO2 from the power plant flue gas and then from the blast furnace top gas.
The objective is to create conditions for the separation of CO2 from large industrial installations, such as steel production. The separated CO2 can then be used as a raw material in other industries, for example significantly reducing CO2 emissions in steel production.
To achieve this goal, various polymeric and ceramic membrane materials are tested in different configurations and the knowledge gained is used to further optimize membrane technologies. In a later phase of the project, a test facility for separating hydrogen from blast furnace gas and coke oven gas will be built near Dillinger.