WhatsApp has implemented video calls with up to 32 participants in the latest version of its Android beta and in the official iOS version. Enough to organize work meetings with several people or even take online courses.
Source: Eyestetix Studio
Meta, owner of WhatsApp, has introduced video calling for 32 participants in the Android beta and the official iOS version of its instant messaging service.
32 participants in a video call: This is possible on WhatsApp
As usual, it is the WABetaInfo website that reveals the information. Users can start video calls with a total of 32 participants. In reality, it has been possible for a long time: Meta officially announced it almost a year ago. Note that these calls can be started by a person by selecting participants from their contacts. This doesn’t work in the same way as video calls initiated from a group chat.
The contact selection interface // Source: WABetaInfo
Previously, there was a serious limitation to this functionality: you could only select 15 participants at a time. So you had to start a call and then add the other participants of your choice. This time it is possible from the start.
Currently the availability of this feature is limited. The Android beta version only has access to certain users. Although there is nothing in the WhatsApp changelog to suggest this, we can expect video calls with 32 participants to be gradually introduced in the coming weeks. For iOS users, the functionality is already available: all you have to do is update the application.