1674166164 This is what Anne Jakkaphong owner of Miss Universe looked

This is what Anne Jakkaphong, owner of Miss Universe, looked like as a man

His name is one of the most searched on Google, according to the controversial results miss universe which awarded the representative of the United States as the winner, while the candidates from Venezuela and the Dominican Republic were two of the favorites as first and second finalists respectively.

The Thai businesswoman and owner of miss universe, Anne JakkahongHe’s been the talk of the contest since he gave a speech about empowerment. Many were surprised by the news that he is transgender because at first glance he looks like a woman from head to toe. Then everyone is curious about how it was before.

Before it was Andrew

Jakkaphong often proudly states that she is a trans woman. In a recent interview with El Tiempo, he revealed his name was Andrew and he lived in a popular area of ​​Thailand. But now he’s a star in the world of business and social networking. “I was only five years old and I was already very uncomfortable in my own skin, I was trapped in my own body,” he said.

She has revolutionized the world of business and her personal life as a Director of JKN Global Media Public Limited, a conglomerate of companies. She is also the founder of the Life Inspired For Foundation. transsexual (LIFT), an organization dedicated to equal opportunities for trans people.

She is also a mother, TV presenter, actress and investor. The businesswoman affirmed that she was bullied as a child and went through several difficult moments. She confessed that she was raped by her teacher when she was 12 years old.

Those setbacks made him want to get better, so he prepared a lot to become who he is today. He studied International Relations at an Australian school called Bond University. He also holds a Certificate in Real Estate Development from Chulalongkorn University in Thailand.

In 2018, she started her hormone treatment and started living as a woman, which undoubtedly fulfilled her dream. Another fact about Anne is that she is a mother of two children who are named Andrew Jakrajutatip and Angelica Jakrajutatip.

expand imagehttps://www.spamchronicles.com/wp-content/uploads/2023/01/This-is-what-Anne-Jakkaphong-owner-of-Miss-Universe-looked.jpginfographicThis is what he looked like as a child.

The only thing he has kept from his time as a man is his voice, and his full name in Thai remains the male name “because I wanted to keep my identity,” he said.

expand imagehttps://resources.diariolibre.com/images/2023/01/18/foto-montage-of-a-man-with-suit-and-tie-3e6a9abf.jpginfographic

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