This restaurateur has more than half of his reservations canceled –

Montreal chef Constant Mentzas of Garde-Côte and Palomar restaurants had more than half of his reservations canceled overnight, just before New Year's celebrations.

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The problem of no-show reservations continues to cause headaches for restaurants.

As restaurant operators suffer from inflation and labor shortages, last-minute canceled reservations are a new threat to them.

“We fought against the no-shows. People made reservations and ended up not coming. We have improved the situation there, people are canceling, but if they cancel at such short notice and it is not possible to replace the table, it becomes problematic,” he emphasized in an interview with TVA News from his seafood restaurant Palomar.

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To avoid the scourge, his team made the decision just before the holidays to limit the number of reservations for New Year's Eve.

“It is impossible for us to catch up with them today,” he added, pointing out that the damage has been done. Of the 60 reservations made, only 26 remain.

Asked about the issue of no-shows, Maximilien Roy, vice-president of Restaurants Canada, denounced a “scourge” affecting the industry.

“It is very difficult [pour les restaurateurs] […] We really ask people to be careful and if they decide to book in advance, to show up and at least notify them as soon as possible if there is ever a cancellation,” he recalls in a persuasive tone.

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