Yesterday's episode of Muschio Selvaggio, Fedez's podcast, is unmissable because the defender's version featured Marco Travaglio, who had never been seen even when Conte was prime minister. I mean, Marco Travaglio, someone who is as much of a guarantor as Putin is to the Dalai Lama, has started defending a woman against Fedez's accusations, a random woman: Selvaggia Lucarelli, Travaglio's top signature on social scandals. Brief summary: At a certain point the case of the restaurateur who committed suicide the day after a shitstorm triggered by Lucarelli comes up: Daniele Capezzone and Fedez agree that Lucarelli exaggerated, it's one thing, a cannon on one To fire tanks is another to do it on a sparrow. But for Lucarelli lawyer Travaglio: No, we're not kidding, it's the newspapers' fault. Fedez points out that no, the controversy was fueled on social media by the Lucarelli-Biagiarelli duo (anyone who has followed the countless Instagram stories of Lucarelli and her husband before and after the restaurateur's suicide knows this, also because Newspapers do not trigger lynchings). the net, the net feeds on itself), instead, for Travaglio, Lucarelli is someone who scoops like no other, and the blame, he affirms, lies with the newspapers (Il Fatto, of course, never had the other newspapers). anything to do with it). The interesting thing is that the Ferragni case also appears in the discussion, but Fedez himself does not allow himself to be in trouble, in fact he even admits that it existed, because Chiara Ferragni is not defenseless, she is one of the most popular influencers of the world it has the means to endure attack and defend itself, and the conditions for this were present. I mean: Fedez is objective even towards his wife, but Travaglio doesn't compromise on the slightest criticism of anyone on his side, as if he had wild musk in his ears. Fedez interjects: “But if she went so far as to write that I'm cured of cancer just because I'm rich, even though I had the same cancer that killed Steve Jobs!” Travaglio shrugs his shoulders and gives us actually information we didn't know, because when Travaglio speaks, he speaks with an I-know-everything tone: I acquit everyone I say, even if they are convicted, and I condemn the one I say myself when he is acquitted and then attacks: “You are obsessed with Lucarelli because he turned your wife into Wanna Marchi.” Since Lucarelli's journalism, Travaglio told Fedez, was journalism of the highest order, Selvaggia was “a great investigative journalist, which is reported all over the world”. Is the whole world taking note of Selvaggia Lucarelli's investigation? Oh, I didn't know that one day, between a raised paddle on Dancing with the Stars and an article about a sexist greengrocer, she might not get a Pulitzer. Marco Travaglio certainly wipes all known social formats, in the last episode of Breaking Italy, as a guest of Alessandro Masala, he also said that Orsini “does not make a single mistake”. Masala was also speechless: “Aren’t you making a mistake?” “NO”. “Ah ok”. On the other hand, he also said that Mario Draghi “doesn't understand shit… and is just a daddy's boy.” How nice it is to be Travaglio, that's why he always has that little smile, which is the pulpy version of Fabio Fazio's fun-loving smile. Applause. Curtain.