This theory is gaining popularity among followers of Indefensible

This theory is gaining popularity among followers of Indefensible –

As is well known, fans of daily newspapers prefer to speculate on what is to come and the regularly proposed reversals. There is no escaping this year either, with two daily newspapers instead of one to put yourself in.

Now, among the followers of Indefensible, a hypothesis is gaining ground that makes us question ourselves too.

In fact, several people on TVA’s social media mention the idea that Me Frédéric Legrand – who reportedly died from gunshot wounds mid-season – wasn’t actually dead.

It is true that the death of the character played by Martin-David Peters was sent to the big screen. We were only shown his girlfriend, the daughter of a convicted felon, grieving over an empty bed. Then we saw her flee, suitcase in hand.

Could it be that he is hiding somewhere with his lover to avoid getting killed after the shenanigans in the first half of the season? This hypothesis might be plausible.

However, it must be remembered that with District 31, until the last minute, followers thought that characters like Nadine Legrand, Geoffroy Morin or Laurent Cloutier would rise from the dead, which obviously never happened. So take that assumption with a giant grain of salt.

Series designer and showrunner Izabel Chevrier has teased us here about what we’ll see in the season one finale next April, which has only fueled speculation that way. A surprise awaits us!

What do you think of this theory? Crazy or believable?

Note that we also had details here on what’s coming in the Jérémie Martel trial, which is currently airing.

Indéfendable airs Monday through Thursday at 7 p.m. on TVA.