1653078560 Thorsten Kutz the man of the tanks disappeared and found

Thorsten Kutz, the man of the tanks, disappeared and found in desperate conditions: the yellow shocks Europe

Thorsten Kutz the man of the tanks disappeared and found

He disappears for four days, then reappears drunk and visibly confused. The focus of this thriller is the 51-year-old Thorsten Kutz, Managing Director of Rheinmetall, the largest German armaments group. This is the same company that allegedly provided the German government with 8 Leopard 1 tanks and 100 Marder armored vehicles for delivery to the Ukrainian army.

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To unveil the news – as reported by Corriere della Sera – was the Bild newspaper. It all began on May 13, when the police in Kassel, Hesse, announced that they were looking for a man who had not shown up at his place of work and had not even reported to the private appointments he had made. Zero signs of life even on the phone. The announcement was accompanied by a photo from a video camera that showed Kutz doing it Withdraw cash from an ATM.

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The group’s CEO was tracked down by a police car near the Kassel exhibition center last Sunday: he was sitting in a car and was drunk. His condition was so critical that medical attention was required at the hospital. In any case, nothing is known about his disappearance. However, there is no shortage of hypotheses. Kutz is indeed no ordinary man, he has been leading the German armaments giant since January 2022. The doubt is therefore this: it was him kidnapped to issue a warning or was it just a private matter?

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