Those who use Hitler

“Those who use Hitler…”


Clash in L’aria moving to Ba7. Protagonists of the episode on Wednesday April 13, Giorgio Cremaschi and Fabrizio Roncone. The first is the unionist, who premieres about the war: “This is an aggressive conflict, there is no doubt about it. So are we and NATO in the war zones mentioned by Roncone. For this, Cremaschi invites us to stop the war of aggression against international law and unleashes anger in the studio. before and Myrta Merlino to remind Cremaschi that in this way “Putin is acquitted”. Nothing could be more wrong for the trade unionist, who continues: “No, on the contrary, I condemn him. But we must say that the Russian nationalist dictatorship is the same as Zelenskyy’s, we must stop saying that Ukraine is a democracy. Zelenskyi is also a dictator.

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Words that incite Roncone: “But you celebrate it on April 25th, our day of liberation?”. A question that Cremaschi doesn’t take long to answer: “Of course I think everyone likes it they use Hitler and insult the Anpi actually they just want to make World War III “.”don’t allow yourself‘, the reporter warms up, while the interlocutor continues: ‘For a provocative question there is a provocative answer. They want World War III.

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But Roncone countered by asking Cremaschi to shout afterwards: “For me the anpi is sacred”. “For me too concludes the trade unionist I do not insult the Anpi, it is their newspaper that is running a shameful campaign”. The moderator then takes care of restoring order, is forced to speak and broadcasts the advertisement.

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