Thousands of anti abortion protesters demonstrate in Washington Politics

Thousands of anti abortion protesters demonstrate in Washington Politics

01/20/2024 02:27 (current 01/20/2024 02:27)

Opponents of abortion in Washington before the US Supreme Court

Opponents of abortion in Washington before the US Supreme Court ©APA/AFP

Thousands of abortion opponents took to the streets in the US capital, Washington, in an annual “March for Life.” On Friday, in the winter cold and blizzard, protesters displayed signs with slogans such as “Love life”, “Let the heart beat” and “I am a defender of life”. Some rally participants chanted “abortion is murder.”

Protesters also called on the Republican Party to work to strengthen abortion rights in the 2024 election year. “Hey Republican Party, we vote pro-life first,” one banner read. GOP is short for Grand Old Party, as Republicans are called.

The U.S. Supreme Court handed abortion opponents a major victory a year and a half ago: The Washington Supreme Court revoked the nation's fundamental right to abortion in June 2022. As a result, several states governed by conservatives have banned or severely restricted abortion. the access.

However, abortion rights are an issue where President Joe Biden's Democrats can gain points: polls show that the majority of US citizens want to maintain at least some access to abortion. In several states, voters voted in favor of abortion rights, inflicting heavy defeats on abortion opponents.

Democrats, who support women's right to abortion, want to use the issue in November's legislative and presidential elections to mobilize voters. Vice President Kamala Harris, who aims to promote abortion rights across the country, plays a particularly active role. Republicans, on the other hand, have traditionally favored stricter abortion rights — but have to fear that this will move voters away from the political center.