1706283401 Three children who were forced to sleep in the living

Three children who were forced to sleep in the living room of their house because their room was a marijuana plantation

Three children who were forced to sleep in the living

The National Police have dismantled a marijuana plantation in Seville that a couple had set up in their home, occupying two of the three available rooms, leaving their three children to sleep in the living room. The parents were arrested.

The couple's three children, all minors, had to sleep on a mattress in the living room of the house, the authorities said in a statement on Friday.

The strong smell of the plants alerted agents to the plantation, which was located in a villa in a well-known area of ​​Seville. Inside the house, police found about 130 plants spread across two of the three rooms that were perfect for growing this plant and equipped with electrical transformers, fans, air conditioners, carbon filters and wiring.

The initial investigation revealed that the house had a continuous operation of air conditioning units for which there had never been a contract To the electricity supply, and that this made it possible to grow marijuana.

The parents arrested for electricity fraud and drug trafficking have already been brought to court.

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