1697344833 Three thousand soldiers will protect the coffee harvest in Nicaragua

Three thousand soldiers will protect the coffee harvest in Nicaragua (+photos)

Introducing the protection plan for the 2023-2024 production cycle, Avilés explained that the main objective is to ensure the best conditions of security, stability and peace for the development of the crop, which involves around 600,000 Nicaraguans.

Three thousand soldiers will protect the coffee harvest in Nicaragua

“We are sure that with this plan we will make a firm contribution so that your producer brothers can achieve the planned targets for this production cycle, namely three million 800 thousand quintals of coffee,” he emphasized.

He explained that the Armed Forces contribute to the security of various productive activities and stressed that Nicaraguans must be fully aware of the importance of security for the benefit of all.

“We would like to reiterate that we will not allow kidnappings, assaults, extortion and gruesome murders to occur again,” he stressed.

1697344825 191 Three thousand soldiers will protect the coffee harvest in Nicaragua

At the event at the Sixth Regional Military Command of Waswalí, Matagalpa (center), Minister of Finance and Public Credit, Iván Acosta, highlighted the country’s economic growth between 2020 and 2023, with a cumulative growth of 16 percent.

The national economy in 2023 continues to develop effectively despite the complex global economic context, Acosta explained, adding that coffee is one of the most important export products of this Central American nation.

The minister noted the Sandinista government’s commitment to the productive sector, to which it provides technical assistance, technology transfer, opening of marketing channels and access to finance.

According to official data, more than 161,900 hectares are dedicated to coffee cultivation in Nicaragua, and the main markets are in the United States, Europe, Asia, Africa and Oceania.

The 2020-2021 crops generated around $470 million here, while the 2022-2023 crops accounted for more than $700 million for the national economy.
